Friday, September 28, 2012

It's Not A Party Until Brochitis Arrives

I am sure you have all been riveted by the tale of my recent lupus flare.  It has been full of aches, pains, and inflammation.  I was having a great time with all that, but little did I know that it could, indeed, get better. 


I guess I shouldn't really be too surprised.  I knew that the pregnisone they put me on to stop the flare would lower my immunity system.  I heard my daughter sniffling and sneezing.  I should have realized the tiny little cold she had would equal a chest apocalypse for me.  This is only my second flare since being diagnosed, my first "real" experience I guess.  I am doing my best to stay positive, but the repeated trips this week to the hospital for chest xrays, breathing treatments, heart monitoring, and various (I think the count right now is 6) prescriptions is beginning to piss in my cheerios.

To top it all off, one of the scripts they gave me was for codeine. Something I have felt very strongly about is doing my best to avoid taking narcotics as best I can through all this.  There have been a day here or there where I have taken one of my prescribed percocet, but for the most part I remain narcotic free.  The codeine has been the only thing successfully suppressing my cough.  I really didn't need a moral dilemma.

Sorry kids for the Downer Debbie night.  It happens to the best of us.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Gored By A Rhyno

Picture for a moment you are just standing there minding your own business when suddenly a stray rhyno strolls over and drives his horn through the left side of your chest real nonchalant like.  This is what it feels like when the lining of your heart and lungs is hit with a sudden burst of inflammation.  I feel as if I have been gored and even after they assured me I wasn't having a heart attack, I am still in a disgusting amount of pain.

Being as I am newly diagnosed, this is only my second flare.  The first was pretty harsh, but I am pretty sure that is because it was all brand new to me.  No chest pains the first time that was for sure.  I am not really sure what the point of this post was, but then again there are day I am not sure I remember my name.  Lupus is scary.  I learn all the day about body parts I never knew I had, and that is just because they hurt.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Demotivational Lupus Posters!!

This one is great for all us photosensitives!!

Because we LOVE hearing "Aren't you ALWAYS sick?"

I really felt this way when they diagnosed me..I am a third generation lupus haver (wasn't sure how to say that) and I still thought maybe I just had the flu.

Lupus was way cooler on House

      Lupus has really been amazing to me.  I don't go outside during the day anymore.  I am tired all the time.  The people at the local drug store know me by first name BEFORE they see my prescription.  The last few days though, I started having some pretty hardcore chest pains.  I tried ignoring them, thinking I just ate something shitty, but alas they would not end.  Finally the Dr. insisted I take my stubborn ass to the ER to be attached to all sorts of heart monitors.  Not a heart attack, but some fun new ailments called pericarditis and costochondritis.  With names like that I would rather the fucking heart attack.  Basically, the sac around my heart is inflammed and so are the tendons the connect my breastbone to my rib cage. 
     I am missing a night at work to sit in my house and watch Hoarders.  My chest still feels like balls and this stupid lupus fog has made me retype the same word 6 times.  Lupus is way cooler on House.